A 55 year old man with 4yr history of secondary diabetes, altered bowel habits and involuntary loss of weight

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Case history:-
A 55yr old male, daily labourer by occupation came with complaints of:-
  Chest pain since 8 months
Generalized weakness and  body pains since 8 months.

He was apparently asymptomatic 8months back, then developed chest pain along wih cough associated with sputum with generalized weakness..Then patient went to local government  hospital where he was treated symptomatically and later in July he was diagnosed with TB, for which ATT has started.(2 months of intensive phase is completed and now he is on 3rd month of continuation phase)
After using ATT for 1 month , patient developed pins and needle sensation with generalized body pains with increased appetite , for which patient went to local hospital , where his sugar were found to be high with generalized body pains where he was treated conservatively and patient relieved  followed by recurrence of  same symptoms  .
Patient had repeated visits to the hospital , where his sugars are found to be high and USG showed chronic calcific pancreatitis and right renal calculus .
Patient came to Kims for further evaluation.

Past history:-
  K/C/O DM since 4 years( 1st yr- OHA 
             2nd, 3rd, 4th yr- till april : OHA +                    insulin)
Patient was started on tab.gliclazide 60mg 
Tab.esomeprozole 40mg and domperidone 30mg since 10 days
Tab.nurokind- MORE RF
Tab. Clonazepam 0.5mg po/OD :- 3 days
  K/C/O TB 8 months back, and used ATT for 6 months

Personal history:- 

The patient reported a long history of alcohol abuse, to a point where he was strained both financially and socially. He also had frequent fallouts with his wife. He also reports a 8 month history of altered bowel habits, with varying diarrhea and constipation. As far as he can recall, the stools were occasionally foul smelling and bulky. Since the last few months, his sleep has taken a hit with lancinating pains all over the body and frequently in his feet. He also reports enjoying beedis (1 pack) for 35 years.
The patient also has decreased appetite and a reduction in overall functional mobility for the past few months.
General examination:-
Patient is conscious, coherent  and cooperative, well oriented , thin bulit
Pallor - present
No icterus, clubbing, cyanosis , lympahadenopathy  and edema

  Bp:- 110/70mmhg
  Pr:- 82bpm
  Cvs:- s1s2+
  Rs:- BAE+

Systemic examination:- 
 Per abdomen:-  
    On inspection:- elliptical in shape, umbilicus is central, vertically slit like
A vertical scar is seen above the umbilicus of approximately 5cm ,( operated for ?gastric perforation) no visible pulsations and engorged veins
Palpation:- soft, tenderness present on left hypochondric and left iliac fossa, no guarding and rigidity , no organomegaly.
Auscultation:- bowel sounds present

Inspection:- right side supraclavicular hallowing,  decreased chest movements on right side , intercostal retractions are present, no scars , sinuses, engorged veins
Palpation:- decreased movements on right side
Auscultation:- NVBS , and no additional sounds heard

CVS:- S1S2 heard, no murmurs

CNS:- all higher motor functions are normal

Cranial nerves intact

Sensory system normal

Motor system normal

Cerebellar signs normal

No meningeal signs


In june

In august
In November 


Chronic calcific pancreatitis with right renal calculus with uncontrolled sugars


1) inj.hai sc according to sliding scale

2) Tab. pregabalin 75mg po/od/h/a

3) inj.pan 40mg po/od

Day 1:-

No fresh complaints

O/E:- pt is c/c

          Bp:- 110/70 mmhg right arm supine position

Pr:- 84bpm

Cvs:- S1S2 heard

Rs:- bae+


1)tab. Pregabalin 75mg po/od/h/a

2) tab.pcm 650mg tid

3) tab.benadon 40mg po/od

4) tab.benfomate plus po/ od

5) inj. Insulin

Day 2:-

No fresh complaints


Treatment:- inj.h.mixtard s/c bd

Tab. Pregabalin 75mg po/od/h/a

Tab.pcm 650mg tid

Tab.benadon 40mg po/ of

Tab.benfomate plus po/od

Day 3:-

C/o:- right side chest pain which is pricking type after intake of food



Inj.h.mixtard insulin 30/70 s/c bd

Inj.h.actrapid insulin s/c od

Tab.pregabalin 75mg po/od/hs

Tab.pcm 600 mg tid

Tab.benfomate plus po/of

Continue att

Inj. Pan 40mg/iv/od


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